Welcome back to the fourth installment of the Fantasy Baseball Dynasty rankings. As we count down toward the top group, we first hit the players ranked 150-126.
As we get closer to the more coveted players, the breakdown of this group is logically different from last week’s overall group. The biggest change is the age of this grouping skews younger, with 19 players in their 20s, including seven who are 24 years old or younger. Here is a look at this week’s players:
6 players between the ages of 30-34
12 players between the ages of 25-29
7 players between the ages of 20-24
8 infielders
6 starting pitchers
6 outfielders/DH
5 catchers
The one position that stands out is the number of catchers. Some owners will avoid catchers like the plague. There are a lot of good, young catchers in the majors, so why avoid catchers if you are going to have to start them? And in two catcher leagues, there is no way you can ignore them. In fact, you can make that a position of strength of you snag two young catchers who will produce for the next five years.
And now my weekly reminder: if a top prospect hasn’t reached the majors yet, they won’t be in these rankings. Itch has been running down the top prospects per team and will continue his great work. No need for me to repeat what he says.
Now on to the Fantasy Baseball Dynasty Rankings: 150-126…
Please, blog, may I have some more?