Today’s Lineups | Last 10 Lineup View | Today’s Lineup Predictor (Subs Only)
Type a team’s abbreviation (e.g., ATL) into the Team filter to limit results to a team.
Pos Act and the ones in parentheses are the actual position. Pos Fant is based on fantasy eligibility. More valuable batting orders (1st-6th) in blue while less valuable batting orders (7th-9th) in red. Roto values ($ and $ per game) are based on 12 team 5×5. You can link to other Player IDs (MLBAMID, FanGraphs ID, NFBC ID) with this Player ID map.
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Note: Filters and sorting in the table below apply to the output |
# | Team | LU | GT | Name | B | Bat Ord | Pos Act | Pos Fant | Opp | Opp SP | Avg Ord | Tue 11/5 | Mon 11/4 | Sun 11/3 | Sat 11/2 | Fri 11/1 | Thu 10/31 | Wed 10/30 | Tue 10/29 | Mon 10/28 | Sun 10/27 | ROS | ROS $/G | In LU | RazzID |