Yahoo is better than ESPN for fantasy baseball rankings. Are they as good as yours truly?
Please, blog, may I have some more?Yahoo is better than ESPN for fantasy baseball rankings. Are they as good as yours truly?
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Guys and five girl readers, let’s remember back to last week when Fantasy Pros said I was the best fantasy baseball rankings:
Please, blog, may I have some more?People have lost their minds where they’re drafting Ha-Seong Kim. Prolly the most obvious overrated guy I’ve seen in some time. Rather than talking about Ha-Seong Kim and why he’s overrated, I think I can just do an Eminem-type rap about Kim. Oh-uh, I feel my rap altar ego, B. Fire, coming on. Watch out haters, here comes the Fire Man!
Please, blog, may I have some more?This one bums me out a bit, because I do like Kyle Schwarber. I kinda love the Phils, in their current state, tee be aitch, but Schwarber? Of course, I like Schwarber. The Schwarb-bomb? Schwarbs? Schwarbs is fun. It’s goofy that he hits leadoff, naturally, but I don’t find myself complaining about Kyle Schwarber, in general, during the heat of the fantasy baseball season. By the by, “the heat of the fantasy baseball season” is sweating out a H2H week, when you’re down one hit during Sunday Night Baseball, and you ate a bad batch of clams, hence the sweating, while sitting on the toilet.
Please, blog, may I have some more?I went to look at Royce Lewis on the Player Rater for last year just to see where he ended up. Last year is not this year — Thank you, Mr. Calendar! — but he ended up at 321st overall last year. Between Will Benson and Michael Conforto. I know, I know, it was only 58 games. He’s a top prospect.
Please, blog, may I have some more?You know things have really gone sideways when you’re out on the sexiest of the sexy guys like Elly De La Cruz. If you see Elly De La Cruz and think, “Ya know what? I don’t like what I see there,” then you just might be in the No Fun Zone. The NFZ is a place that is no fun to be. It’s kinda in the name. It’s like the DMZ without the threat of nuclear war. What fun is that? It’s like TMZ without Ben Affleck juggling Dunkin’ poorly. “Ben Affleck is carrying coffee from Dunkin’ and not spilling it! Let’s take pics for TMZ!” No, no one says that! People want Ben Affleck spilling shizz! Not drafting Cole Ragans is yet another example of Ben Affleck carrying an order of Dunkin’ in perfect containment.
Please, blog, may I have some more?Elly De La Cruz is basically a Grey guy. There’s been very few more Grey guys than this Grey guy. He’s basically Mr. Grey Guy. His sex appeal is oozing and I trip over myself when catching his highlights out of the corner of my eye. I hate that, because often I will run into the corner of a desk, so Elly hurts me often. My fear is he’s going to be hurting many of you. I worry about my boys and five girl readers.
Please, blog, may I have some more?[brid autoplay=”true” video=”1237013″ player=”13959″ title=”2023%20Razzball%20Draft%20Kit%20LowPriced%20Alternatives” duration=”199″ description=”A look at some sleepers to avoid some overpriced players in 2023 Fantasy Baseball 00:00 Intro00:51 Third Base1:35 Second Base1:59 Zack Wheeler2:16 Outfield” uploaddate=”2023-02-07″ thumbnailurl=”” contentUrl=”//″ width=”480″ height=”270″]
Chose to go over ESPN and Yahoo’s 2023 fantasy baseball rankings and did a quick search, finding 2023 yahoo fantasy baseball rankings with little effort. Pretty simply, tee be aitch. A google search of “2023 Yahoo Fantasy Baseball Rankings” to be exact. With that said, I don’t think ESPN fantasy baseball rankings exist anymore. Does ESPN still do fantasy baseball rankings? I saw ESPN was switching their format to become big baby stuff with, like, nine hitters, five pitchers and only a top 100 overall to play more like, I’m guessing, fantasy football, but, when I searched for ESPN fantasy baseball rankings, I received an error page that read something like, “We do football, and some basketball, but if you’re interested in baseball, you are the wrong demographic, so goodbye.” So, first off, I guess props to Yahoo for still doing fantasy baseball rankings. With that said, I will now remove my Ginzu from my sheath and begin the process of slicing and dicing. I’m using a mandoline on their rankings without a protective cover! I’m using a mandolin without that weird rubber cover on my thumb! Just very manly stuff that a lot of you expect from me. Ya know, I’ve been arrested before (12 years ago). For peeing in public because my wee-wee bladder is so wee. Got off with a ticket, but that time in prison (90 minutes) hardened me, and now it’s time to take it out on Yahoo for their 2023 fantasy baseball rankings.
Please, blog, may I have some more?[brid autoplay=”true” video=”1236251″ player=”13959″ title=”2023%20Razzball%20Draft%20Kit%20%20Busts” duration=”237″ description=”Top 5 Busts for 2023 Fantasy Baseball00:16 Michael Harris II00:58 Sandy Alcantara1:31 Josh Hader1:59 Zack Wheeler2:26 Adley Rutschman” uploaddate=”2023-02-06″ thumbnailurl=”” contentUrl=”//″ width=”480″ height=”270″]
Someone’s going to launch me into the sun for my fantasy baseball overrated posts this year. From Bobby Witt Jr. to Michael Harris II to Daulton Varsho and Sandy Alcantara, okay, those last two were a little more understandable, but Witt to Harris II to (stutterer!) Luis Robert? Have I joined the old fuddy duddies who hate baseball? Am I a hater of fun? Will I dislike a bat flip? “Answer me!” I scream at the mirror, but my reflection doesn’t answer. It merely stares back, crying. But, when I touch my own face, my cheeks are dry. What is the meaning of this? Have I disconnected from reality? Is this not me typing these letters? “Whose hands are these!” I scream at the ceiling as I drop to my knees. Throwing disrespect at some of the most electric players in baseball isn’t great fun, I’ll tell ya that much after telling you exactly that. Luis Robert is fantastic, I think. I haven’t gotten to see him that much, tee be aitch, because he’s never on the field. So, what can we expect from Luis Robert for 2023 fantasy baseball and what makes him overrated?
Please, blog, may I have some more?[brid autoplay=”true” video=”1236251″ player=”13959″ title=”2023%20Razzball%20Draft%20Kit%20%20Busts” duration=”237″ description=”Top 5 Busts for 2023 Fantasy Baseball00:16 Michael Harris II00:58 Sandy Alcantara1:31 Josh Hader1:59 Zack Wheeler2:26 Adley Rutschman” uploaddate=”2023-02-06″ thumbnailurl=”” contentUrl=”//″ width=”480″ height=”270″]
Usually only bestow on you one pitching schmohawk. Like a genie giving one wish, and you’re like, “Yo, genie, it’s pretty standard to give three,” and the genie’s like, “Sorry, inflation.” As they say at opposite world’s Wetzel’s, don’t get it twisted, I could drop on you numerous schmohawk posts about pitchers, but can I just point you to my 2023 fantasy baseball rankings and, specifically, my top 20 starters for 2023 fantasy baseball and say look there for the pitchers I don’t like. Also, I won’t give you a closer schmohawk post either, because they’re mostly just SAGNOF, and I won’t draft a closer in the top 100ish. Not really schmohawk’ing to say Emmanuel Clase is overrated. I mean, he is, but not because he won’t be good. He can be good and still be overrated. On the most basic level: A five-category guy vs. a closer? Is that even close? No, it’s not. In one league, I drafted Oneil Cruz the pick after Ryan Pressly. Oneil Cruz who’s going to go 40/40 vs. Pressly who will give you 32 saves. Mmkay. That brings me to Sandy Alcantara, who can also be good just not good enough to be the fourth best starter off the board or to be drafted before pick 30 overall. Sandy Alcantara is one of those where I told you to draft him last year, and prolly would again this year, if he were going around where he was last year. Going back to my Pulitzer Prize-winning theory that every player has a career ADP, and thinking about how Sandy Alcantara went from pick 85 last year to 29 this year. What is his career ADP? Splitting the difference between 80 and 40 is likely the answer, but it’s definitely not 29 for reasons I will get to on the other side of the “anyway.” Anyway, what can we expect from Sandy Alcantara for 2023 fantasy baseball and what makes him overrated?
Please, blog, may I have some more?This one feels too easy. Usually I don’t tell you a catcher is overrated because, well, they’re catchers. It kinda goes with the territory. I’m giving myself a pass this year to call Daulton Varsho overrated because he has outfield eligibility. That outfield eligibility is actually what’s going to make it super easy to prove how overrated he is. We’re gonna compare him to other outfielders! Taking me out of the equation at first because you know I bring fire, but others have smoke. On our 12-team Player Rater, Daulton Varsho is currently ranked 120th overall, right next to Steven Kwan, who might be as valuable, but is a tough comp, because they’re not at all similar. Another outfielder near Daulton Varsho is Nick Castellanos, and further down the road is Ramon Laureano, who might be the best comp, so let’s try him on for size. Daulton Varsho is a 27/16/.235 hitter. You can debate the projections, but that’s what he just did. Ramons Laureano went 24/13/.288. Wait, that’s much better…Hold on! Sorry, that’s what Laureano did earlier in his career. Yeah, no way he does that again (there is a way, but let’s continue). Ramon Laureano’s projections are 21/20/.233. So, push on average; four more steals and six less homers. Hmm, well, they must be going close to each other in drafts, right? Hold on! They’re not? Geez, these surprises are a lot for my heart. Daulton Varsho is going around 39th overall and Laureano is going around 208th? Oh, wow. Hmm, that seems like a big difference. “Okay, but Daulton Varsho has catcher eligibility!” You scream at yourself in the mirror, as tears roll down your cheeks. Right, gotcha, there, there, buddy. He sure does. Let’s see that Player Rater again. Oh, boy, Varsho is ranked ahead of Will Smith and Alejandro Kirk! Damn, point made. They are respectively ranked 125th and 128th. Wow, big difference there. Kirk aka Bart Harley Jarvis is worth $11.60 and Varsho is worth $12.3. A full seventy cents of difference. They must be really close in ADP, huh? Kirk is sixty spots after Varsho? Hmm, that doesn’t seem very close. So, I guess besides all of that, why is Daulton Varsho overrated for 2023 fantasy baseball?
Please, blog, may I have some more?[brid autoplay=”true” video=”1236251″ player=”13959″ title=”2023%20Razzball%20Draft%20Kit%20%20Busts” duration=”237″ description=”Top 5 Busts for 2023 Fantasy Baseball00:16 Michael Harris II00:58 Sandy Alcantara1:31 Josh Hader1:59 Zack Wheeler2:26 Adley Rutschman” uploaddate=”2023-02-06″ thumbnailurl=”” contentUrl=”//″ width=”480″ height=”270″]
This sucks. I suck for sucking this sucks so bad. I didn’t want to write about how Michael Harris II is overrated. He’s fun. Capital F. Going to the Capital Grill and ordering “Fun,” that’s Michael Harris II! Instead, I’m taking that F and teaming it with me for the ol’ patented “F me,” and that’s not me abbreviating Fame. RIP Irene Cara. Talk about real life events ruining a song. “Ooh, pump up the volume!” Singing along, “Fame! I want to live forever…Crap.” I now change “want to” to “ain’t gonna” when that song comes on the radio. From a rousing anthem for me to do calisthenics into a sob-fest. Any hoo! It wasn’t just I didn’t want to be a spoil-sport with Michael Harris II. It’s not just because I hadn’t seen the first Michael Harris, so I can’t appreciate this one. It’s all those pesky underlying numbers that scream at me every time I look at him. If he were going around Jake McCarthy’s spot in drafts, I likely would’ve wrote a sleeper post for Michael Harris II. Since he’s going as high as 12th overall in some leagues, I’m writing that he’s overrated. It sucks, and I be sucking. So, what can we expect from Michael Harris II and what makes him overrated?
Please, blog, may I have some more?