Grey and B_Don continue the rankings previews with starting pitcher part 1 this week on the Razzball Fantasy Baseball Podcast. Come listen as I question the #1 ranker of 2023. We start the show with some draft philosophy talk on pitchers and how Grey looked at his rankings differently this year than previous years with […]

Please, blog, may I have some more?

Grey and B_Don are back with this week’s episode of the Razzball Fantasy Baseball Podcast. We continue our positional rankings with the first part of the outfield rankings. We talk about the top 40 OF (not OnlyFans accounts you sick, sick people). Podcast favorite Adolis Garcia leads us off followed by the player that we […]

Please, blog, may I have some more?

Grey and B_Don are back to finish up the infield for the 2024 positional rankings with 3B on this week’s episode of the Razzball Fantasy Baseball Podcast. We discuss the depth of the position. At the top, what separates Austin Riley and Rafael Devers?  The rest of the guys you’re drafting for 3B are a […]

Please, blog, may I have some more?