Please see our player page for Dustin May to see projections for today, the next 7 days and rest of season as well as stats and gamelogs designed with the fantasy baseball player in mind.

Happy Monday, Razzball faithful! Frankly, after a bit of confusion last week, I figured I’d better get right to it and save the pranks for April 1st. This IS my Top 100 Starting Pitchers list/ranks for 2025. To repeat a few caveats. This list is based on a bit of column A and a bit […]

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It’s all-star week! That’s a good time to sit down, stare at your team’s record, cry, calculate how much you spent in buy-ins, cry some more, and then take a deep breath and figure out how you’re going to dig yourself out of 8th place. Remember — and I know this as a Twins fan — all you gotta do is make the playoffs. Once you’re in the playoffs, any kind of luck or dumb chance or Shohei Ohtani hot streak can save you. You don’t have to finish first in your league — just get into the playoffs and see if you can muster an attack strong enough to be considered the 2023 Arizona Diamondbacks. Hopefully one of the players below will help your suffering team get to the next level: 

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Wow, has it already been a week since the first installment of the 2024 Top Keepers was unveiled? Time flies when the baseball playoffs are in full swing.

Last week I looked at the top relievers to keep (2024 Top Keepers – Relievers). This week the focus is on starting pitchers.

Like relievers, starting pitchers can be a little inconsistent from year to year, making it tough to nail down the top keepers. I went pretty deep this year with a list of 85, allowing for a nice mix of veteran pitchers and young up-and-comers.

That said, I’m sure I missed some pitchers you probably like more and listed players higher than you think they deserve to be.

However, I like the list I have put together and I hope you find it useful as you build your fantasy staff.

Now let’s get on with the rankings!

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“The guys we have in here, in this clubhouse. These guys are home. This locker room for the last three months is where I’ve placed my bowl of cocktail wieners and beans on top of this wooden bench and dined, while people around me have said, ‘Really? You have to eat in here?’ This locker is where I hang my Mets’ jersey, where, before me, once Hubie Brooks hung his Mets’ jersey, and before him, another guy whose name I’m forgetting. That’s a legacy, and we’re damn proud. Mets is written across our chest, like a stigmata.” That was Justin Verlander as he tried to pretend to not want to be traded, making his best effort on the field — 8 IP, 1 ER, 4 baserunners, 7 Ks, ERA at 3.47. Verlander is carrying his worst peripherals in fifteen years — 7.6 K/9, 2.8 BB/9, 4.49 xFIP, just hideous stuff for a guy of his caliber, but maybe the inspiration to get off the Mets will be all he needs. Anyway, here’s what else I saw yesterday in fantasy baseball:

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Good day to you, Razzfam! Happy almost All-Star Week! Also, welcome to Strained Oblique Season! *toots weak, off-key party horn* That’s right. We have 3 folks that joined the IL because of that nasty oblique injury (Altuve, Jazz, Royce Lewis). Fear not (or fear…not too much)! The All-Star break is upon us. Some guys get […]

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“Four score and seven ‘And that’s me quoting me’s ago, my Fordfathers said, ‘Stop calling us Fordfathers, you idiot, it’s forefathers!” That was a quote from our most true patriot, Grey, the Fantasy Master Lothario, don’t abbreviate it. Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July, and you still have all ten fingers, and, if you don’t, I hope at least you had nearby an appropriately-sized, half-eaten hot dog to use as a tourniquet. Someone who doesn’t have a working ten fingers is Mike Trout. He looks like Captain America, so somehow it tracks that on the day with the most hand injuries in America, he gets his. Brutal news for sure, but every toilet flush fills up with a dog getting a clean glass of water, and that’s Jo Adell, as he was promoted. Since Trout is likely out six to eight weeks, this gives the Angels ample opportunity to find new ways to not play Adell. I kid. Kinda. I’d grab Adell in most leagues to see if he can finally click. Anyway. here’s what else I saw yesterday in fantasy baseball:

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Happy June, folx! I’m heading into the second stretch of the season with a bit more blurby-type approach, similar to your other favorite writers like The Itch and Chuck Palahniuk. I mentioned this early in the year as well, but I’ll repeat it here for good measure: I’m only responding to comments on the day of publication now. I love y’all, but I need to carve out some time for the people I call “family” instead of “folx.” I talk to Coolwhip and JKJ literally everyday and they have access to my data. If you haven’t said “hey” to them, give them a shout. 

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It’s nearly freaking Memorial Day, folx! I finally relented on No Mow May today and sheered about 8 million dandelions from my backyard. Do you know the meaning of “deadhead”? Other than being one of the greatest Devin Townsend songs. Oh, and that other band with Jerry Garcia. Oh, and the trucker slang. That’s right — the fourth guess did the trick! It’s when you pop the head off a dandelion. I suppose you could do this maliciously while cackling, but I do it with a lawnmower that dates to the 1980s. Have I succeeded in giving you a feeling that my life is ultra-exciting like Grey’s? 

And now, much like Grey, let’s see if we can save your fantasy baseball team as it heads into the 1/3 mark of the season. 

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