Wow, has it already been a week since the first installment of the 2024 Top Keepers was unveiled? Time flies when the baseball playoffs are in full swing.
Last week I looked at the top relievers to keep (2024 Top Keepers – Relievers). This week the focus is on starting pitchers.
Like relievers, starting pitchers can be a little inconsistent from year to year, making it tough to nail down the top keepers. I went pretty deep this year with a list of 85, allowing for a nice mix of veteran pitchers and young up-and-comers.
That said, I’m sure I missed some pitchers you probably like more and listed players higher than you think they deserve to be.
However, I like the list I have put together and I hope you find it useful as you build your fantasy staff.
Now let’s get on with the rankings!
Please, blog, may I have some more?